Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 31

He claims my snark wooed him to love me. This is my response:

Day 30

I saw this posted on Facebook yesterday. I guess I should thank him for saying I can wear a dress better than a man, right?

Day 29

"Jessica, you are one lovely piece of shit."

Day 28

"You should wear pigtails more often. Just wear that same exact thing tomorrow and take my phone to work with you and take pictures of yourself."

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

Day 27

"You look hot today – for wearing manly things."

Day 26

"I'm glad that you have such an awesome kid. I don't have to be fake around her at all, which I love. Like I can hate babies and she just accepts it."

Day 25

"I gotta say... I like the grey shirt you've got on right now. It's so casual."

Day 24

"You kind of look like an adonis with your hair pulled up like that."

Day 23

"You're like an awesome sex toy. You make me laugh and have fun with me. You're like a gameboy that's my best friend."

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 22

"You're very Tim Burton today."

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

Day 21

"You look like a hot Puritan girl. Like you don't wanna give it to me, but you're going to anyway."

Day 20

"But those are girly girls... whereas you and Ashley are more like manly girls."

Day 19

"But you can wear shirts that make you look fat because you're skinny."

Day 18

"You look very John Wunderblah today."

(I should mention I tuned out the complete name, but it was definitely a Silent Hill character.)

Day 17

"I love that sweater! It's so lived in."