Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 41

"With your hair like that, you look like one of the puppets from Dark Crystal."

Day 40

"Geez, why do you look so beautiful today?!"

(next time he could try to not sound so surprised)

Day 39

"And your mouth – look at all the things it does!! It's like a cartoon character's mouth!!"

Day 38

"Your shirt looks like a hammock."

Day 37

"How'd you do that? You got Ace Ventura hair going on."

Day 36

Me: "So, let me get this straight? You just compared the pictures you take of me to the caliber of ones online of girls sitting on toilets smoking cigarettes??"

Day 35

"Hey, macaroni & cheese eyes."

Day 34

"Sheesh, those tights have got nothing to hide. It's like you've got superhero legs!"

Day 33

"Your face smells like suntan lotion."

*sniffs my face as I laugh*

"And your breath smells like Taco Bell."

Day 32

"This isn't meant to be taken badly, but you look like you just got done mowing the lawn. It's sexy."