Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 65

"I loooooooove that dress!! It's like a Mexican carpet!"

Day 64

"You look so Roman Empire circa 2012. You've got the gladiator sandals and your shirt looks like a toga."

Day 63

"I'm so glad I didn't get you a beach cruiser. You see them everywhere! EVERY girl has a stupid beach cruiser. And here you come on your awesome street ready bike. Looks like you know what the fuck is up... even though you don't."

Day 62

"Better pull out your notepad and pen and start reporting news stories with that hat you've got on."

Day 61

"That temporary tattoo you're sporting is getting me really excited about you getting a full sleeve."

Day 60

"I like that shirt – it looks like gills."

Day 59

"Look at you in your goofy mushroom shirt. You don't even like mushrooms!"

Day 58

"Totally not meant to be taken the wrong way... but you look like you've just been living outside for a week and just got back – in a good way! Not that you look unkept, just a lot looser.... wait, looser "clothes-wise".... ah, never mind."

Day 57

"You look like pure sunshine today. Well... not you, your colors."

Day 56

"You have surprisingly nice legs for someone so short."

Day 55

"I have too many pictures of you! So many that I can't take pictures of you!!"

Day 54

"That's my favorite outfit of yours. You should just throw away everything else you own."

Day 53

"You should never wear pants."

Day 52

"Woah, your eyebrows are so intense lately."

Day 51

"Aw, I just like the parts of you that most people don't."

Day 50

"You're quite the plethora of textures today."

Day 49

"There was a single moment last night... where you looked so cute."

Day 48

"Heyyyyy... those boots! Are you going to ride a horse?"

Day 47

"You're so urban beatnik with all that monochromatic grey you've got going on."

Day 46

"Your eyes look especially yellow with that scarf."

Day 45

"Eh, that picture didn't come out well. The outfit looks frumpy and it's like you're wearing a helmet."

Day 44

"You looked sexy when you were blow-drying your hair. Very Sarah Conner."

Day 43

Him: "You look like you belong in an upscale fashion magazine."

Me: "But all my clothes are really cheap."

Him: "Well, I meant your head, not your clothes. Your head looks really cute today."

Day 42

"It's not that I don't like those pants. I just like when I can see your butt and legs. But those are just a butt curtain."

(Later that day, the pants were subsequently ruined thanks to some grease from an ear of corn on the cob.)